Travel Opportunities
Seeing the US and the World
Participants in the annual AFRICA TRIP work alongside veterinarians and wildlife specialists at a South African Game Preserve – inoculating, healing, and enjoying an unmatched educational experience.
Accomplished riders wishing to take their skills to the next level can join the IRELAND TRIP where world-recognized trainers work with students in a week-long intensive series of clinics.
Other recent trips include Washington, D.C., Costa Rica, the Mediterranean, and Glacier National Park. Some are for sight-seeing and learning; others require more “active” participation – with backpacks and hiking boots important accessories!

Student Accident Insurance
Our school district has selected the Student Insurance Plan from K&K Insurance Group to make reliable coverage available to parents. If you don’t have other insurance, this plan may be a resource to consider. Additionally, even if you have other coverage, this plan can help fill expensive “gaps” caused by deductible and co-pays. Coverage may be purchased at any time during the school year by visiting