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National Bound Forestry Team

National Team in Training

The AAEC- Prescott Valley state-winning Forestry Team attended a workshop in Flagstaff as they prepared for the national competition in October. Rob Davis is the Teacher and FFA Advisor and has been recognized at the state and national levels for his work as an Agriscience teacher and FFA Advisor.

The  Forestry Career Development Event (CDE)requires students to demonstrate their skills in diagnosing forest disorders, managing forests and forest inventory, and applying approved silviculture practices. Participation in the event offers students experience relevant to a career choice in forestry and natural resources.

This CDE is a team event for four students. It recognizes those who have demonstrated skills and competencies from forestry instruction in the agricultural education classroom. The team portion of the event calls on students to respond to a forest industry scenario with problem-solving using forestry skills and tools. The team also provides a presentation about a national or regional forestry issue. Team members contribute individually by completing a general forestry knowledge exam, tree identification and measurement rounds, and individual practicums.

Skills learned from this event range from forestry equipment identification to calculating a forest business management problem and prepare students for a variety of careers in forestry and natural resources.